Monday, March 19, 2012

Personalized wedding favors

Today, gifts to guests are commonly known as wedding favors and are shared in cultures worldwide. In China, people who get married will send sugars to their guests. The sweets or chocolates are the symbol of joy and happiness. In western wedding, people also have the wedding favors.
Wedding favors are small gifts given as a gesture of appreciation or gratitude to guests from the bride and groom during a wedding ceremony or a wedding reception. Traditionally, wedding favors are candies or cookies. Wedding favors have become a part of wedding reception planning.
To young couples who are preparing a wedding may unlikely choose traditional candies as the gifts to their guests. Today I want to share some ideas of mine with you.
Besides the sweets, there are a lot of options for you. Some of them are special and cheap indeed. Here are some simple suggestions for your wedding favors.
 1.      hand-made paper fans
You can write down your names or DIY a logo and paint it on the fans.
2.      pot flowers or plants
3.      small pamphlets of your wedding
 4.      DIY key chains and coin purses

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